Perhaps, you have been exploring the internet to find out how to lose weight in 24 hours. It will show websites or diet programs that promise you will be losing 6 to 30 pounds in one day. Rapid fat loss can be possible, and some websites will tell you can do this with some simple steps. They may suggest things like eating vegetables and fruits and doing cardio exercises for thirty minutes to an hour.
Several health care experts agree this method really works, especially if you do it right. Unfortunately, some people became too eager to succeed and pushed it to the limit. They abused their bodies by extending their time for fasting and eating less while hoping for best results.
Should you try fast weight loss or not?
The Obesity Society says that 64% of Americans are overweight and 31% of them are obese. Then, many people try losing excess pounds by exercising, dieting, surgery, taking supplements, or using two different weight loss techniques simultaneously. While losing weight quickly is difficult and almost impossible, many people attempt to do this by following crash diets and putting more time to exercise.
Crash diets may work, but they have a bad long-term effect on your diet and health. The proper way to lose weight is the one that takes time but guarantees real, successful results.
Negative effects of rapid weight loss to your body
Aside from what your eyes can see, fast weight loss can damage your body internally. Here are the negative internal effects of rapid weight loss on your body:
#1 – Leptin
Your body fat levels should be directly proportionate to the signaling hormone known as leptin. This hormone controls your appetite, promotes the burning of stored fats, and curbs your metabolism. When your body fat levels drop too quickly, it means your body is also lack of leptin which can cause a starvation response.
#2 – The starvation response
When your body is under the starvation response, it will use less energy each day. It will lower your metabolism, increase your hunger, and trigger muscle breakdown to get energy supply.
Besides, the starvation response can make your body regain fat you have lost that will serve as protection from similar attacks of diet restriction. Eventually, your body will lose and regain weight repeatedly. Experts call this cycle yo-yo dieting.
#3 – Health risks
Low-calorie diets are known for their fast weight loss effects. These methods are usually too low in essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. A lack of essential nutrients will lead you to various health problems like poor immunity, bad hair, brittle nails, and dry skin. Chronic mineral deficiencies also have long-term effects on your body like fluid imbalance, low bone mass, and muscle cramps.
#4 – Mental complications
Severe hunger due to extremely limited food intake will make it more difficult for anyone to stick with low-calorie diets for a long time. Your hunger levels will intensify, and you will find it hard to control. Sooner or later, you will find yourself falling into a cycle of binge eating as your body wants to recover. Crash dieting may also result in some eating disorders, like bulimia. A low-calorie diet is socially exclusive sometimes, especially when your family and friends are not on a special diet.
Best and safest way to lose weight
Nobody can achieve true weight loss results overnight. To stay healthy while losing weight, you must aim to lose around 0.25 to 1 kilogram or 0.5 to 2 pounds per week and stick with that. This gradual and slow weight loss will be maintainable. It will never cause a starvation response or any other negative effect on your health and wellness. To avoid losing weight quickly, many diet experts recommend a modest food intake reduction combined with a reasonable increase in your daily physical activity.
You must consider weight loss as a long-term lifestyle transformation instead of a rapid way to lose some pounds for a beach trip, party, or wedding.
Final thoughts
Do not rush things and sacrifice your health just to gain visible weight loss results in no time. Stop thinking about how to lose weight in 24 hours. Instead, make simple lifestyle changes for the sake of your health as it will aid you in losing weight, too.
Choose the healthy way to lose some pounds and say goodbye to crash dieting. Pursue your wellness goals by just improving your daily exercise routine and having a balanced diet. It will take time to show you visible results but these two simple things you can do each day are already enough to increase your chances of having a successful weight loss journey.
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