Many people skip breakfast because they don’t want to eat in the morning. However, that might change if they knew it could help you lose weight 2.5 times faster. In this article, I’m going to reveal some secrets about how breakfast can help you shred some fat.
Weight loss
Breakfast may in fact be the most important meal for weight loss according to a number of studies. Despite different results, the overall trend shows that those who eat breakfast are less overweight. Most people who have successfully lost weight admit to the benefits of breakfast. In some cases, this is despite the fact that the number of total calories can seem higher.
One of the most noticeable pieces of research lasted 12 weeks and compared the effects of breakfast on two groups of women. The first group ate the majority of their calories for breakfast and lunch, whereas the second group opted for higher calorie lunches and dinners. After 12 weeks, the first group lost 2.5 x more fat than the second.
There are three important reasons. The first reason is that breakfast fits in with our circadian rhythm. You may have already heard something about this phenomenon. Essentially, every activity we do throughout the day has an optimal time to be performed depending on the time and season.
The first reason is that breakfast fits in with our circadian rhythm. You may have already heard something about this phenomenon. Essentially, every activity we do throughout the day has an optimal time to be performed depending on the time and season.
The second is that breakfast has a positive effect on our hormones. For example, after eating breakfast, ghrelin (a hormone secreted in the stomach to regulate appetite) levels decrease. If ghrelin increases, then so does your appetite. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said with leptin – one of the key hormones for losing fat.
Thirdly, it’s been observed that those who eat breakfast tend to eat a better quality and healthier diet throughout the rest of the day i.e. eat more fruits and vegetables with less fast food.
So, the recommendation is to eat more in the first half of the day if you’re looking to lose weight.
Protein is Extremely Satiating
In the morning, you need to consume carbohydrates in order to have energy during the day. In addition, carbohydrates help secrete the ‘happiness hormone’ serotonin. So, in the morning it’s recommended to eat more carbohydrates and place the bulk of your protein in the evening. Yet, in the morning, I suggest that you eat also protein,. This isn’t just for if you want to build muscles, but also if you’re struggling with weight loss.
There have been a number of comparisons between protein and a reduced appetite. Therefore, for those who eat protein throughout the entire day it will be easier to refrain from binging on unhealthy foods. This is largely due to the hormones that affect our appetite. Even after a brain scan, those who ate a large amount of protein showed low levels of activation in the areas associated with food taste and aroma. In this case, it isn’t necessary to talk about the specifics of how much protein you need at each meal. The most important thing to remember is to eat protein as well as carbohydrates for breakfast.
What if I Still Don’t Want to Eat Breakfast?
The two most common excuses for not wanting to eat breakfast are:
1. I don’t have time
2. I don’t want to
I understand that many people are in a hurry in the morning and cannot get up any earlier to have breakfast. In that case, it’s advised that you eat when you arrive at or on the way to work. If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to look for solutions to eat as soon as possible.
Some people don’t want to eat breakfast because they eat too late the evening. For several days, try not to eat too late in the evening to increase your appetite for the morning. The first few days will be the most difficult, but it will become easier after time. Try this for at least 21 days before deciding if it works for you or not.
What to Eat if You’re in a Hurry
In the morning, if you need to rush and don’t have time to eat properly, then you need to prepare something in advance that you can quickly grab and eat at work or even on the way. Here are some examples:
- Bananas or other fruits
- Low-fat yogurts
- Sandwiches
- Nuts and dried fruit mixes
- Protein shake
- Smoothie
If you take anything from this article, then it’s that you need to eat breakfast. This is especially true if you are overweight and are looking to become healthier. Breakfast will not only fill you up, but help you make better choices for the rest of the day. It’s an important part of your journey to optimal health so make sure you make use of it.
- Adolescent breakfast skipping: an Australian study
- A randomized crossover, pilot study examining the effects of a normal protein vs. high protein breakfast on food cravings and reward signals in overweight/obese “breakfast skipping”, late-adolescent girls
- A high-protein breakfast prevents body fat gain, through reductions in daily intake and hunger, in “Breakfast skipping” adolescents
- Beneficial effects of a higher-protein breakfast on the appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals controlling energy intake regulation in overweight/obese, “breakfast-skipping,” late-adolescent girls
- Body Mass Index among Adolescents in Greece: Whether an Association Exists Depends on How Breakfast Skipping Is Defined
- Breakfast Eating and Weight Change in a 5-Year Prospective Analysis of Adolescents: Project EAT (Eating Among Teens)
- Deleterious effects of omitting breakfast on insulin sensitivity and fasting lipid profiles in healthy lean women
- Brain serotonin, carbohydrate-craving, obesity and depression
- Effect of skipping breakfast on subsequent energy intake
- Energy Intake at Breakfast and Weight Change: Prospective Study of 6,764 Middle-aged Men and Women
- High Caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women
- Increased dietary protein consumed at breakfast leads to an initial and sustained feeling of fullness during energy restriction compared to other meal times
- Leptin Level and Skipping Breakfast: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III)
- Long-Term Weight Loss and Breakfast in Subjects in the National Weight Control Registry
- Long-term weight loss maintenance
- Longitudinal study of skipping breakfast and weight change in adolescents
- Meal timing and composition influence ghrelin levels, appetite scores and weight loss maintenance in overweight and obese adults
- Metabolism and Circadian Rhythms—Implications for Obesity
- Neural Responses to Visual Food Stimuli After a Normal vs. Higher Protein Breakfast in Breakfast-Skipping Teens: A Pilot fMRI Study
- Protein Quantity and Quality at Levels above the RDA Improves Adult Weight Loss
- Protein-induced satiety: Effects and mechanisms of different proteins
- Recent research on the behavioral effects of tryptophan and carbohydrate
- Systematic Review Demonstrating that Breakfast Consumption Influences Body Weight Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Europe
- Skipping breakfast and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Asian and Pacific regions: A meta-analysis
- The addition of a protein-rich breakfast and its effects on acute appetite control and food intake in ‘breakfast-skipping’ adolescents
- The effectiveness of breakfast recommendations on weight loss: a randomized controlled trial
- Time-of-day and nutrient composition of eating occasions: prospective association with the metabolic syndrome in the 1946 British birth cohort
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