You may have heard both of these terms being banded around in the fitness industry, but what’s the difference? Is there one? The short answer is no! ‘Press-up’ is the British term for the movement, ‘push-up’ is the American term. Interestingly, the term ‘push-up’ was first used between 1905 and 1910 whilst ‘press-up’ was first used much later - between 1945 and 1950. … [Read more...] about Press-up vs. Push-up – Is There a Difference?
Lug Lingo: 30 Gym Slang Words and Term in Simple Explanation
Have you ever visited the gym, only to overhear a conversation between a few regulars that’s seemingly in a completely foreign language? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Each day, more and more gym slang is being created and it can be a little tricky trying to keep up with it all. Thanks to this handy article, you can put your Google Translate app away for good. Below … [Read more...] about Lug Lingo: 30 Gym Slang Words and Term in Simple Explanation
How 5G Technology Will Affect the Sports Industry
As with everything in life, stagnation is a big no-no. Thus, it seems our world is about to change once more, as soon as 5G technology comes into play. Sure, the Football World Cup is behind us. But that doesn’t mean we cannot watch the next one by using the latest cutting-edge technology. So what will 5G bring us? Well, an entire evolution, of course. What is 5G? Before we … [Read more...] about How 5G Technology Will Affect the Sports Industry
The 15 Highest-Paid Athletes of All Time
Athletes don't only play hard during their games — when it comes to getting their cash, they play even harder. It takes a lot of natural athletic skill and hard work to get endorsements and brand yourself. Here are the athletes that not only made a brand out of themselves but also earned billions with those brands. #1 Michael Jordan The former American basketball player, … [Read more...] about The 15 Highest-Paid Athletes of All Time
A Robot Chef: the Future of the Cooking World
Everyone needs a healthy lifestyle if they want to survive working through each day. But a myriad of responsibilities has lessened people’s time for taking care of themselves and preparing their own meals. With the help of technology, engineers have developed a new way to make prepare meals easier: a cooking robot. A Robot Chef The robot has the ability to cook over 100 … [Read more...] about A Robot Chef: the Future of the Cooking World